Dear Reader,
The attached article based on a research carried out into the area of mediation which is a peaceful conflict resolution method, as well as several externalities exerted by people in connection with a community garden in Hungary. The espected reader can get a short insight into the misterious world of fragrant spices, delicious vegetables and fruits, and explore mainly the human characteristics of this special milieu.
I definitely would like to thank the people supported my work in choosing potential professional responders and community gardens, gave pieces of advice, and shared their own experiences: Gábor Rosta, Ágnes Szabó and Mária Nagy.
On the other hand I definitely want to thank all the people participated in this research and gave valuable pieces of information or in any way contributed to my work.
Gabriella Lovász Ph.D.
Lovász Gabriella közösségi kertész, és persze tudományos kutató is, ezt a kutatást tavaly végezte a magyarországi közösségi kertekben.